LegalPrivacy Policy

Last Updated: 21/01/2021

We value your privacy and take it seriously. We are committed to keeping your personal and business information safe. We will not sell, lease, or exchange your personal data to, or otherwise share your personal data with, third parties in ways other than described in this Privacy Policy.

Use of private information

This policy explains how we collect and treat any information you give us.

We ask for contact information including your name, email address and phone number on our website so that we can reply to your enquiry.

What information we hold

If you contact us through the website, we collect your name, email address, phone number and any other information you choose to include in your message.

Where we store your information

When you contact us by email or through the website, your information is stored in our email providers account.

How long we keep your data

We will keep your data for as long as it is necessary for us to respond to your query. If you wish to have your data updated or deleted, simply contact us and we will deal with it straight away.

Who has access to your data?

Your data is only made available to specific members of staff here at Summit Engineering who are best suited to respond to your specific query.

Our contact form is screened for spam by a third party provider.

Changes to this policy

If we make changes to this policy, we will update the website and include the last updated date at the top of this document. All changes will become effective the moment we publish them.